Va plac carnatii dar va deranjeaza ideea ca nu stiti exact ce contin ? Solutia este simpla: incercati sa va gatiti singuri. Daca doriti sa adoptati o versiune mai gustoasa si mai sanatoasa, incercati carnatii de pui. In acest articol va vom prezenta cateva retete de carnati de pui.
Inainte de a va prezenta retetele de carnati, va voi informa cu privire la ingredientele ce trebuie sa le procurati. In primul rand, aveti nevoie de o masina de tocat, precum si de o masina de umplut carnatii. Daca doriti carnati buni, aveti nevoie si de mate. Pentru a da gust si savoare carnatilor, va recomand sa lasati carnea cu piele, in caz contrar carnatii fiind prea uscati. Retetele ce vi le voi prezenta sunt pe cat de simple, pe atat de gustoase.
Carnati de pui clasici
Aceasta reteta este reteta de baza a carnatilor de pui. Acestia pot fi consumati de catre copii deoarece nu sunt condimentati prea tare. Cu siguranta ii veti aprecia, datorita gustului lor. Ingredientele principale de care aveti nevoie sunt: carne de pui, sare si putin piper. Cantitatea de ingrediente variaza, bineinteles, de cat de multi carnati doriti sa preparati.
In primul rand tocati carnea pe masina de tocat si asezati-o intr-un castron. Asezonati cu sare si piper si amestecato compozitia bine cu mainile. Nu este indicat sa folositi prea mult piper daca aveti si copii. Umpleti fiecare carnat cu aceeasi cantitate de amestec de carne. Acum puteti praji carnatii, sau ii puteti congela pentru alta data.
Carnati de pui in stil italian
Acum va voi prezenta o reteta de carnati putin mai condimentati, dar absolut deliciosi. Pentru a prepara aceasta reteta aveti nevoie de carne de pui, sare, piper, ardei iute, busuioc si usturoi.
Se macina toate ingredientele si se amesteca impreuna. Umpleti carnatii si bucurati-va de aceasta retata gustoasa si picanta. Acesti carnati subt absolut deliciosi daca sunt gatiti pe gratar, si sunt consumati alaturi de o salata verde. Puteti adauga in farfurie si o bucata de branza mozzarella.
Carnati de pui in stil nemtesc
Acum vom trece la o reteta de carneti de pui reprezentativa pentru o tara recunoscuta pentru carnati. Pentru a prepara carnati de pui in stil nemtesc aveti nevoie de carne de pui, ceapa, usturoi, mustare, sare, piper rosu si chimen.
Macinati carnea, usturoiul si ceapa. Zdrobiti chimenul si amestecati toate ingredientele impreuna. Atunci cand amestecati asigurati-va ca mustarul este bine dispersat. Umpleti carnatii si consumatii imediat. Acest tip de carnati nu se mentin pentru mult timp in frigider, dar in schimb ii puteti congela. Ii puteti servi alaturi de o salata de cartofi sau mai bine, impreuna cu o bere la halba.
Carneti de pui cu rosii uscate la soare
Aceasta reteta este una unica si totodata foarte eleganta. Este perfecta daca doriti sa va surprindeti musafirii cu ceva diferit si gustos. Veti avea nevoie de carne de pui, rosii uscate la soare, ceapa, usturoi, sare, piper, ardei iute, busuioc si oregano.
Tocati carnea si rosiile foarte fin. Amestecati impreuna cu restul ingredientelor si umpleti carnatii. Acesti carnati ofera o savoare speciala atunci cand sunt gatiti la gratar. Un gust aparte se obtine daca ii afumati. Cu ingrediente pe care le avem în casă sau pe care le putem găsi în plafaruri putem obţine preparate ce ne întăresc sănătatea şi produc o stare de bine. Un leac gustos, bun pentru stomac, imunitate şi piele, este oţetul aromat făcut în casă. Oţet aromat pentru iarnă Oţetul aromat se poate folosi la sosurile pentru salate, marinate, supe şi mâncăruri cu legume. Activează digestia, stimulează arderea grăsimilor şi are un efect pozitiv asupra florei intestinale. Ingrediente coaja unei jumătăţi de lămâie 3 cepe de arpagic (sau 1 ceapă roşie, mica) 2 căţei de usturoi 3 felii de ghimbir 1 ardei iute 1 crenguţă de rozmarin – proaspătă sau uscată 3 foi de dafin 1 baton de scorţişoară 2 steluţe de anason 8 cuişoare 1 lingură boabe de muştar 750 ml. oţet de vin (alb)
Mod de preparare Lămâia se spală foarte bine, se şterge şi se decojeste. Coaja să fie cât mai subţire şi cu cât mai puţină pieliţă albă. În continuare, se curăță cepele şi se taie în patru. Usturoiul se curăță şi se taie felii. Ardeiul iute se spală, se usucă cu un prosop de hârtie şi se înţeapă de jur împrejur cu o furculiţă. Crenguţa de rozmarin se ţine puţin sub jetul de apă rece şi se zvântă. Într-un borcan se pun mai întâi mirodeniile şi apoi plantele, aranjandu-le cu o ţepuşă (din lemn, pentru frigărui). Se toarnă oţetul de vin alb, suficient cât să le acopere foarte bine pe toate. Se pune capacul şi se lasă să stea timp de 2-3 săptămâni, până când se ‘’dezvoltă’’ bine aromele. Beneficiile otetului aromat ♣ Curăță vasele de sânge – acidul acetic, principalul compus al otetului, ajută la reducerea nivelului grăsimii în sânge. ♣ Reglează glicemia – folosirea frecventă a otetului aromat (25 ml.) la sosurile pentru salate, marinate, supe şi mâncăruri cu legume, chiar şi la preparatele din carne, poate reduce, în timp, cu 30% indicele glicemic al carbohidraţilor primiţi în organism din alimentele consumate. ♣ Satură – oţetul (15 ml. pe zi) poate grăbi instalarea senzaţiei de saţietate în creier, reglând astfel apetitul; ajută şi la accelerarea ritmului metabolic: cu cât metabolismul este mai rapid, cu atât se ard mai repede grăsimile. ♣ Ajută digestia – o salată dreasă cu oţet aromat ajută la digestie; mai exact, alimentele sunt descompuse mai eficient, trec fără probleme prin sistemul digestiv şi sunt mai bine absorbite substanţele nutritive (combate şi senzaţia de balonare de după).
Make your own cup of instant soup at home with this vegetarian ramen recipe. Pack several jars at once to take to work for easy lunches throughout the week.
Place 1/2 tablespoon bouillon paste, 1/2 tablespoon miso, 1/2 tablespoon chili-garlic sauce and 1/2 tablespoon ginger in each of 3 pint-and-a-half size canning jars. Layer 1/4 cup carrot, 1/4 cup mushrooms, 1/2 cup spinach, 2 egg halves and 1/2 cup noodles in each jar. Top each with 1 tablespoon scallions and 1/4 teaspoon sesame seeds. Close the jars. Refrigerate for up to 3 days.
To make one jar of noodles, add 1 cup of very hot water to one jar. Close the jar and shake to combine. Microwave uncovered on high in 1-minute increments until steaming hot, 2 to 3 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Stir before eating.
To make ahead: Store pre-cooked jars covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Everything you need to know, from turkey recipes to wine pairings and beyond.
The Brits get a bad rap for their cuisine, and in some cases rightfully so—the beef cooked until gray and the gravy-made-from-granules that I ate every Sunday while staying in England were not the height of culinary greatness— but dang if there aren't a lot of things they do better than almost anyone else. I'm talking savory pies, fried fish, Yorkshire puddings, and roasted potatoes. The British method of roasting potatoes is one that I've taken a strong liking to. It's simple, and it produces amazing results. Boil chunks of potato until they're just tender, toss them none-too-gently with fat (ideally beef drippings) to rough up their surface, then roast them until they're crisp and crackling.
The boiling and roughing-up steps are the real key. They create a thin slurry of mashed potato that clings to the surface of the potato chunks, which ends up crisping beautifully in the oven as the potatoes roast. It's the technique I use for the Ultra-Crispy Roast Potatoesrecipe I published back in 2011, and the technique I use for pretty much every holiday.
This year, I decided to reexamine the method from the ground up with the idea of completely maximizing that crisp-to-creamy contrast in each chunk of roast potato, testing and retesting every variable, from cut size to potato type to boiling and roasting methods. The result is this recipe, which I firmly and un-humbly believe will deliver the greatest roast potatoes you've ever tasted: incredibly crisp and crunchy on the outside, with centers that are creamy and packed with potato flavor. I dare you to make them and not love them. I double-dare you.
Here's how the testing went down.
First things first: Let's talk about size. In my original roast-potatoes recipe, I cut the potatoes into smallish, two-inch chunks. This time around, I wanted to maximize the contrast between center and exterior even more, so I decided to leave the potatoes in really large chunks. A full quarter of a potato each. That means each chunk turns into a two-biter, but it makes it easier to crisp them up.
For variety, I tried the three most common supermarket types: russet, Yukon Gold, and red.
Russets get the crispest crusts and roast up a pale golden brown. Their interiors are fluffy and mild.
Yukon Golds roast a little darker owing to their lower starch content and higher sugar content. This leads to more flavor, but it also means a slightly less crisp crust. Their interiors are nice and creamy, with plenty of flavor.
Red potatoes roast up very dark because of their very low relative starch content, but have difficulty getting crisp. They come out of the oven crunchy, but soon lose that crunch, turning soft and tender.
This is what happens when you press on a russet and a red potato about two minutes after they come out of the oven:
Moral of the story: Skip the reds. Stick with russets or Yukon Golds (or a mix!).
In my previous roast-potato recipe, I recommend adding a splash of vinegar to the water for the initial boil. The idea is to control the breakdown of pectin, the cellular glue that holds vegetables together. Think of it as the mortar between bricks.
Pectin begins to break down at around 183°F (84°C), but its breakdown is also greatly affected by the relative pH of the cooking medium. The lower the pH (i.e., the more acidic), the less it breaks down. Conversely, the higher the pH (the more alkaline), the faster it breaks down.
To demonstrate this, I cooked four potatoes in water at various pH levels, ranging from slightly acidic to neutral to very alkaline. You can clearly see that the potatoes boiled in more alkaline water have started to break down more than those boiled in acidic water.
Which way is better? Well, with the smallish potato chunks in my original roast-potato recipe, adding a splash of vinegar can help prevent the potatoes from accidentally falling apart completely while you are tenderizing them. Similarly, I add a splash of vinegar to my French fries to get them to cook fully without collapsing.
But with a different form factor comes a different set of rules. Is vinegar still the best pH modifier for the job with the huge, chunky potatoes I'm using here?
I roasted those boiled potatoes to gauge the difference.
As it turned out, the potatoes boiled in alkaline water were actually superior to those boiled in vinegary water. Because the chunks are so large, falling apart is not as big of a problem as it is with smaller potatoes. Meanwhile, the alkaline water helps the exteriors of the potatoes break down more, creating much more of the starchy slurry that leads to an extra-crisp exterior. About a half teaspoon of baking soda for two quarts of water was the right amount.
That's the level of starchy paste you're looking for on the outside of these potatoes after roughing them up.
Another element worth considering is the way in which the potatoes are boiled. In most potato recipes, I recommend starting potatoes in cold water and bringing them up to a boil. This helps ensure that the exteriors don't turn to mush before the insides have a chance to cook through. It's especially true for larger chunks of potato, because heat can take a good deal of time to travel through to the core.
But here we've got a whole different ball game. We actually want the exteriors to break down more than the centers. That means starting the potatoes in already-boiling water. I made sure to salt the water well (about an ounce of kosher salt for two quarts of water) to season the potatoes as they cooked.
Now for the actual roasting bit, which happens to be the easiest part to do but also the hardest part to prescribe, because potatoes vary so much. For instance, take a look above at two Yukon Gold potatoes that I boiled and roasted in a completely identical manner. The only difference was the store where I bought them. In the time it took the one on the left to brown completely, the one on the right was still pale. This has to do with the starch and sugar content in potatoes, which vary not only seasonally but also depending on how long the potatoes were stored, and in what manner.
Don't worry—you can make great roast potatoes regardless, but this does mean that you're going to have to rely on your eyes and nose, using a timer only as a very rough guideline.
I found that roasting the potatoes nice and hot, at 450°F (230°C), was ideal, though with convection turned on, they came out even better. (When using convection, I dropped the temperature down to 400°F/200°C, to prevent the edges from singeing.)
At the start, the potatoes are a little delicate, and trying to shake them or move them too early can result in the bottoms sticking to the roasting pan. But roasting them without any moving at all leads to uneven cooking. I found that if I left them alone for the first 20 minutes or so, I could then use a thin metal spatula (or my fingertips) to pry them up off the pan and give them a flip. From there, they take another 30 minutes or so, with the occasional flip and shake in the middle. I like to let them get nice and dark to maximize that contrast between crisp exterior and creamy center.
The final step in the process is adding some aromatics to make them a little more interesting. Simply tossing the boiled potatoes with chopped herbs and garlic works okay, but it's not ideal. The high heat and long roasting time tend to burn the garlic, giving the potatoes a slightly acrid flavor. But tossing them in chopped garlic and herbs at the end gives them only a superficial flavor. So what's the solution?
I decided to heat up the solid aromatics (minced garlic and rosemary are my favorites) in some olive oil, cooking them just until the garlic started to turn golden, then strain it, separating the infused oil from the solids. That way, you can use the flavored oil to toss with the potatoes, building in plenty of flavor, and add back the garlic and rosemary (along with some minced fresh parsley) at the end. Best of both worlds.
You end up with roast potatoes that have an incredibly crisp crust, with plenty of textural variety and lots of microscopic nooks and crannies for flavorful bits of garlic and herbs to plant themselves.
Did I mention that these are the greatest roast potatoes you'll ever make? I meant it. Take a closer look at their surface texture.
And how about these creamy centers?
Oh! So moist! So flavorful!
Still on the fence about making them? Come on over and join me on this side, where the deliciousness runs deep and there's plenty to go around for everyone.
This year, I decided to reexamine my potato-roasting method from the ground up with the idea of completely maximizing that crisp-to-creamy contrast in each chunk of potato, testing and retesting every variable, from cut size to potato type to boiling and roasting methods. The result is this recipe, which I firmly and un-humbly believe will deliver the greatest roast potatoes you've ever tasted: incredibly crisp and crunchy on the outside, with centers that are creamy and packed with potato flavor. I dare you to make them and notlove them. I double-dare you.
Small handful picked rosemary leaves, finely chopped
3 medium cloves garlic, minced
Freshly ground black pepper
Small handful fresh parsley leaves, minced
Adjust oven rack to center position and preheat oven to 450°F/230°C (or 400°F/200°C if using convection). Heat 2 quarts (2L) water in a large pot over high heat until boiling. Add 2 tablespoons kosher salt (about 1 ounce; 25g), baking soda, and potatoes and stir. Return to a boil, reduce to a simmer, and cook until a knife meets little resistance when inserted into a potato chunk, about 10 minutes after returning to a boil.
Meanwhile, combine olive oil, duck fat, or beef fat with rosemary, garlic, and a few grinds of black pepper in a small saucepan and heat over medium heat. Cook, stirring and shaking pan constantly, until garlic just begins to turn golden, about 3 minutes. Immediately strain oil through a fine-mesh strainer set in a large bowl. Set garlic/rosemary mixture aside and reserve separately.
When potatoes are cooked, drain carefully and let them rest in the pot for about 30 seconds to allow excess moisture to evaporate. Transfer to bowl with infused oil, season to taste with a little more salt and pepper, and toss to coat, shaking bowl roughly, until a thick layer of mashed potato–like paste has built up on the potato chunks.
Transfer potatoes to a large rimmed baking sheet and separate them, spreading them out evenly. Transfer to oven and roast, without moving, for 20 minutes. Using a thin, flexible metal spatula to release any stuck potatoes, shake pan and turn potatoes. Continue roasting until potatoes are deep brown and crisp all over, turning and shaking them a few times during cooking, 30 to 40 minutes longer.
Transfer potatoes to a large bowl and add garlic/rosemary mixture and minced parsley. Toss to coat and season with more salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.