Defecarea stand pe vine este recomandabila?

Is squatting actually a better way for us to defecate?

Are the benefits listed on Squatty Potty's website true?
3 Answers
Will Wister
Will Wisterinformed defecator.
Humans were evolutionarily designed to squat when defecating.

When we are standing up the bend between the rectum and the anus helps keep feces inside us. The more we bend towards a squat, the less that bend obscures the exit of feces from the anus and the harder the anal sphincter has to work to keep that feces inside us.[1] In fact when we're standing that bend - called the anorectal angle - is about a 90 degree angle.[1][7]

Some small studies indicate that squatting can lead to a quicker poop that feels less like an effort than pooping while sitting.[1][3]

Some claim that pooping on a toilet sitting up may contribute to hemorrhoids, hernias and diverticulitis.[1][7][10][11] Hemorrhoids may be caused by straining during bowel movements. When you need to push harder to defecate because there is more resistance, veins in your anus swell. With hemorrhoids, those veins can stay swollen. Hemorrhoids are less prevalent in countries where squatting is more common.[4] In fact in a small study, more than half of hemorrhoid sufferers improved when they began squatting when pooping.[4] Some claim that squatting may reduce the incidence of colon cancer.[4][7] In terms of hernias, one of the key causes is higher intra-admoninal pressures, and straining from bowel movements is thought to be one cause of hiatal hernias.[12] Similarly, diverticulitis can be caused when naturally weak sections of the colon give way in response to high pressure.[13] As a related added benefit, some claim that stored urine is also more thoroughly emptied when women squat to urinate.[4]

All these studies and claims are preliminary and more work is needed. We really don't know a lot about this yet.

Does that mean you need to start squatting? Not necessarily. You could lean forward when you poop. You won't have gravity fully on your side, but you will be pooping at the angle at which you were designed to poop. Depending on how flexible you are, lean as far forward as you can and rest your elbows on your knees, or rest your wrists on your knees and just lean as far forward as you are able. Of course a small foot stool by your toilet could help you achieve more of a squat position, and a more gravitationally favorable angle.

Images courtesy of [7] and [8].

[10] Health Benefits of the Natural Squatting Position
[11] Defining GERD.
[12] Hiatal Hernia Causes, Picture, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatments
[13] Causes -
David S. Rose
David S. RoseEntrepreneur & angel investor. Author, Angel Investing and The Startup Checklist
In fact, the definitive answer to this question lies in one of the great books of the 20th century, that I highly recommend: The Bathroom, by Alexander Kira, which includes among many, many other illustrations this wonderful comparison of the effect of different toilet configurations on people trying to squat correctly:
But for the full experience of understanding exactly why squatting is a much better position, we need to turn no further than the manufacturers of the famous Squatty Potty, who have helpfully provided what may be the world's most, um, unique explainer video (that has to date been viewed nearly 15 million times. Yeah, it's that amazing...):
Medical experts say that defecating while squatting creates enough space between our rectum and anus to relieve waste. While, sitting applies pressure in the anal canal.

Source: Can Squatting Improve Poop and Avoid Hemorrhoids?

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